Using PRICE software in KSEBL

The Kerala PWD, Irrigation, LSGD and other departments have started using PRICE software to prepare estimate, transmit it to higher offices, sanction the estimates online, prepare schedule online and track files online. PRICE stands for Project Information and Cost Estimation. Details of this online software is available at the website .

The benefits of using PRICE, as listed in the above website, are :
  • SoR, Cost Index and LMR SoR can be edited only by the Administrator and automatic re calculation of estimates to new SoR and Cost Index at any level without forwarding to section office.
  • Details of officers handling a file including their Permanent Employee Number (PEN) and action initiated by each officer can be viewed in the file history of each estimate.
  • Management Information System (MIS) reports can be generated
  • Transparency in estimate preparation and file movement
  • Possibility of manipulation in a detailed estimate or Local Market Rate Justification estimate eliminated.
  • Speedy approval of estimates which reduces delay in issue of AS & TS, tendering, preparation of LMR Justification estimate and tender approval.
  • Centralised user management system.
  • Paper less movement of files.

The features of the PRICE software as listed in the said website are:
  • Digitisation of SOR and dynamic generation of data book
  • Online preparation of estimates
  • Observed data preparation, if necessary
  • Online submission of estimates to higher offices
  • View of estimate by higher officers and editing
  • Returning estimates for correction/modification
  • Noting observations by subordinate technical staff
  • Automatic generation of A.S. and T.S. slips while issuing sanction
  • Automatic transfer of details to AS and TS register along with issue of sanctions
  • Automatic generation of BOQ which can be exported to the e-tender portal.
  • Automatic generation of LMR justification estimates
  • View of current status of an estimate by all officers
  • Display of latest Government orders and department news
There is no reason why KSEBL should hesitate to adopt this online system of estimation and monitoring, as it is found to be successful in the agencies where it is implemented. There is substantial saving of time and engineering man-hours in the process of estimate preparation upto tendering when this system is adopted. Adoption of this system requires providing computer with internet connection to officers. Irrigation and PWD has provided laptops to all officers upto Asst. Engineers.